Eğitim Seferberliği
mplemented in cooperation with
the Ministry of National Education,
the Addiction Prevention Training
Program of Turkey (TBM) has
reached 10 million students and 2
million adults through the work of
956 trainers and more than 40,000
implementers. Turkey’s first and
only education program in the field of
addiction comprises modules focused
on technology, tobacco, alcohol and
substance addiction and healthy
lifestyles. The program is aimed at
informing and raising awareness of
these issues in society, and particularly
children and young people, reaching
out to people of all ages.
Cooperation with the Ministry and
public agencies
Implemented under the protocol
concluded between Green Crescent
and the Ministry of National Education
in 2015, the Addiction Prevention
Training Program of Turkey (TBM) has
spread all over the country as a result
of protocols concluded with numerous
institutions, such as the Ministry of
Family, Labor and Social Services,
the Ministry of Youth and Sports,
the Ministry of National Defense, the
Ministry of Health, the Presidency
of Religious Affairs and the Turkish
Red Crescent. The dissemination
strategy of this program involves
the education of trainers who then
train the implementers, who in turn
convey the content of the program
to students and parents. In addition,
training requests from the field are
received through the program’s tbm.
org.tr website, and suitable trainers
are dispatched to provide awareness
raising training courses through the
Directorate of Training Management
or Green Crescent Branches.
The content of the TBM training
program has been prepared by Green
Crescent Scientific Committee and
experts in the field, taking into account
the outcomes identified according
to the teaching levels of the Ministry
of National Education. In order to
ensure that participants are made
aware of the threat of addiction, age-
appropriate books, brochures, posters
and video content has been created for
each of the 18 modules of TBM within
the framework of 224 outcomes, and
the effectiveness of the program has
been analyzed for each module, from
the pre-school to adult level using
assessment and evaluation tools. The
two Effectiveness Analyses conducted
throughout Turkey in 2016 and 2018
demonstrated the effectiveness of
TBM in raising awareness and in the
conveyance of information.
Green Crescent’s Addiction Prevention Training Program, selected
as an example of a good practice in the field of p evention by the
European Union, has had a tremendous impact on the fight against
addiction in Turkey. With an army of 956 trainers and more than
40,000 implementers, 12 million people are made aware of addiction
every year.